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jmitie::CjNLTopology Class Reference

A class representing the topology of a network layer. More...

#include <CjNLTopology.hh>

Collaboration diagram for jmitie::CjNLTopology:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.


struct  adjlist_cmp_eq
 a functor to check for equality in adjwl_pair_t objects - comparison is based on node number of adjacency and respective weight More...
struct  adjlist_cmp_lt
struct  link_t
 A struct describing a simple link: two end-point nodes and the weight of the link in either direction. More...

Public Types

enum  layercapab_t {
  NONE = 0, DIST = 1, GEO = (1 << 1), RPL = (1 << 2),
  RPN = (1 << 3), LPL = (1 << 4), LPN = (1 << 5)

A bit-mask for the capabilities of this CjNLTopology instance.

typedef int WT
 the type stored in the weights matrix
typedef int LD
 the unit of network load - used in the traffic matrix and various other places like LPN/LPL matrices
typedef std::pair< unsigned
int, WT
 Adjacency weight information type.
typedef std::pair< unsigned
int, LD
 Adjacency link load information type.
typedef std::pair< unsigned
int, unsigned int > 
 Adjacency link routes information type.

Public Member Functions

 CjNLTopology (const std::string name, unsigned int maxNodes, const CjMatrix< WT > &weightMatrix, const CjMatrix< LD > *trafficMatrix=0, const CjMatrix< double > *geo=0)
 Creates a new topology.
void init_tiebreaker (boost::mt19937 *m_rng=0)
 Initialise the tiebreaker values for routing. An optional RNG can be supplied as an entropy source.
void initRPN () const
 Initialise the RPN (Routes-Per-Node) functionality.
void initRPL () const
 Initialise the RPL (Routes-Per-Link) functionality.
void initLPN () const
 Initialise the LPN (Load-Per-Node) functionality.
void initLPL () const
 Initialise the LPL (Load-Per-Link) functionality.
std::string getName () const
 Returns the name of this layer (as specified in the constructor).
bool hasCapability (CjNLTopology::layercapab_t c) const
 Checks whether all capabilities requested are available.
CjNLTopology::layercapab_t getCapability () const
 Returns a bitmask of the available capabilities of this CjNLTopology.
unsigned int getRPL (unsigned int from, unsigned int to) const
 Returns the number of routes (i.e. a full mesh of routes) traversing the link from node "from" to node "to".
CjNLTopology::LD getLPL (unsigned int from, unsigned int to) const
 Returns the total traffic load (i.e. the sum of all demands in traffic matrix routed over this link) traversing the link from node "from" to node "to".
unsigned int getRPN (unsigned int node) const
 Returns the total number of routes traversing, ingressing, or egressing node "node".
CjNLTopology::LD getLPN (unsigned int node) const
 Returns the total traffic load (i.e. the sum of all demands in traffic matrix routed so they source, or terminate, or traverse this node) on node "node".
const CjMatrix< LD > * getTrafficMatrix () const
 Returns the traffic matrix used in LPN, LPL calculations.
const CjMatrix< double > * getGeoMatrix () const
 Returns the geographic distance matrix associated with this topology.
double getGeoDistance (unsigned int a, unsigned int b) const
 Returns the normalised geographic distance between two nodes.
bool getAutoSync () const
 DEPRECATED - returns the state of autosync - ie whether secondary variables are automatically updated (RPL, distances etc..).
bool setAutoSync (bool newval) const
 DEPRECATED - enables/disables updates to secondary variables (RPL, distances etc..).
WT getWeight (const unsigned int node_a, const unsigned int node_b) const
 Returns the weight of a single directional link in the topology.
WT setWeight (const unsigned int node_a, const unsigned int node_b, const WT new_weight)
 Sets the weight of a single directional link in the topology.
std::pair< CjNLTopology::WT,
setBiDirWeights (const unsigned int node_a, const unsigned int node_b, const WT ab, const WT ba)
 Sets the weights of both directions of a link in the topology.
bool isFullyConnected (bool testDirectionally=false, unsigned int skip_a=0, unsigned int skip_b=0) const
 Checks whether the topology is partitioned or not.
bool isSymmetric ()
 Tests whether the topology matrix is symmetric.
unsigned int getDegree (const unsigned int node) const
 Returns the outdegree of the specified node.
CjNLTopology::WT getDistance (unsigned int from, unsigned int to) const
 Returns the minimum weight of a path between two nodes in the topology.
CjNLTopology::WT operator() (unsigned int node_a, unsigned int node_b)
 Returns the weight of a single directional link in the topology.
CjNLTopology::WT operator() (unsigned int node_a, unsigned int node_b, CjNLTopology::WT new_weight)
 Sets the weight of a single directional link in the topology.
const std::vector< adjwl_pair_t > * getNeighbours (const unsigned int node) const
 Returns the outward links from a node.
unsigned int nextHop (const unsigned int where, const unsigned int destination) const
 Returns the next hop along the least weight path through the topology.
bool isBridgeLink (const unsigned int from, const unsigned int to) const
 Returns the bridge state of the specified link.
tribool getBridgeState (const unsigned int from, const unsigned int to) const
 Returns the bridge state from the bridge state cache, but will not test for partitioning by removal of link.
unsigned int addDisconnectedNode ()
 Adds a single node to the network which is not connected to any existing node.
unsigned int newNodeNumber () const throw ()
 Returns the number of the node that would be returned with the next invocation of addDisconnectedNode(), but doesn't create or add the node.
unsigned int addNodeAndConnect (const unsigned int other, const WT to_other, const WT from_other)
 Adds a single node to the network and connects it to a given existing node.
void bulkSetWeight (std::vector< link_t > &pairs, bool bidir=false)
 Sets a group of link weights in one operation.
unsigned int getNumNodes () const
 Returns the current number of nodes in the network.
unsigned int getNumLinks () const
 Returns the current number of directional links in the network.
unsigned int getMaxNodes () const
 Returns the maximum number of nodes the network can support.
unsigned int getNumSelfLoops () const
 Returns the number of nodes that are connected to themselves.
double fractionConnectedNodePairs (bool incSelfLoops=false) const
 Returns the fraction of node pairs that are linked compared to a full mesh.
CjNLTopology::link_t getLastRemovedLink () const
 Returns the details of the last link that was removed from the network.
CjNLTopology::link_t getLastAddedLink () const
 Returns the details of the last link that was added to the network.
bool forceAdjListUpdate () const
bool forceDistancesUpdate () const
bool checkAdjL_integrity () const
 FOR TESTING USE ONLY - verifies the internal sparse adjacency matrix matches the weights matrix.
bool checkDegD_integrity () const
 FOR TESTING USE ONLY - verifies that the internal list of node degrees matches the weights matrix.

Protected Types

enum  apsp_t { APSP_MAT = 1, APSP_DFS, APSP_DFSLC, APSP_LAST }

The routing algorithm options.


Protected Member Functions

bool mk_adjL () const
 rebuilds m_adj_wtlist from m_wt if it is not invalid - returns true if an update had to be done, false otherwise
bool mk_distances () const
 rebuilds m_distances from m_wt if it is not valid
bool mk_node_degrees () const
 rebuilds m_node_degree from either m_adj_wtlist or m_wt
bool mk_lrpn_lrpl () const
 rebuilds any of m_rpl, m_lpl, m_rpl m_lpl if necessary
void compact_bridge_vals () const
 Rewrites values in m_isBridge and m_bridge_vals - see m_isBridge for details.
void invalidateBridges () const
 All entries in m_isBridge which were [indirectly] true are set to [indirectly] indeterminate - see m_isBridge for details.
void invalidateNonBridges () const
 All entries in m_isBridge which were [indirectly] false are set to [indirectly] indeterminate - see m_isBridge for details.
void init_bridge_vals () const
 Initialise m_bridge_vals and m_isBridge.

Protected Attributes

std::string m_name
 The name of this layer.
unsigned int m_numNodes
 The number of nodes currently in this topology.
const unsigned int m_maxNodes
 The maximum number of nodes that this topology can support.
unsigned int m_numLinks
 The number of directional links in the topology - ie the number of non-zero weights in the weights matrix.
CjMatrix< WT > * m_wt
 The weights matrix: m_wt(i,j) is the weight of the directional link from node i to node j.
const CjMatrix< LD > * m_traf
 The traffic matrix as externally supplied - ownership is not assumed by CjNLTopology.
const CjMatrix< double > * m_geo
 The normalised euclidean distance matrix as externally supplied - ownership is not assumed by CjNLTopology.
unsigned int * m_tiebreaker
 An array of unique numbers which are shuffled on initialisation - they are used by nextHop() to make the final decision between equal-cost paths.
apsp_t m_apsp
 which APSP algorithm is to be used (see apsp_t)
bool m_autoSync
 if true then mk_*() and other functions will update any dependencies (adjacency list, weightsd matric etc..) that they require. set to false if making a large batch of updates to adjacency and don't want automatic updates after each update. TODO - this deserves to die - it breaks exception safety - leave it set to true and ignore.
std::vector< adjwl_pair_t > * m_adj_wtlist
 The adjacency weights list.
bool m_valid_adj_wtlist
 Validity flag for m_adj_wtlist.
CjMatrix< unsigned int > * m_rpl
 The routes per link matrix.
bool m_valid_rpl
 Validity flag for m_rpl.
CjMatrix< LD > * m_lpl
 The load per link matrix.
bool m_valid_lpl
 Validity flag for m_lpl.
unsigned int * m_rpn
 The routes per node array.
bool m_valid_rpn
 Validity flag for m_rpn.
 The load per node array.
bool m_valid_lpn
 Validity flag for m_lpn.
link_t m_lastRemoved
 The link that was last removed.
bool m_lastRemoved_set
 m_lastRemoved validity flag
link_t m_lastAdded
 The link that was last added.
bool m_lastAdded_set
 m_lastAdded_set validity flag
CjMatrix< tribool * > * m_isBridge
 A matrix which stores whether the link is a bridge.
bool m_valid_isBridge
 m_isBridge validity flag
tribool m_bridge_vals [MAX_BRIDGE_VALS]
 Array holding values for the indirect addressing in m_isBridge.
tribool * m_ptr_true
 A pointer into m_bridge_vals which points to the current element in m_bridge_vals which is true.
tribool * m_ptr_false
 A pointer into m_bridge_vals which points to the current element in m_bridge_vals which is false - see m_isBridge.
tribool * m_ptr_ind
 A pointer into m_bridge_vals which points to the current element in m_bridge_vals which is indeterminate.
CjMatrix< WT > * m_distances
 The minimal sum of weights between every node pair.
bool m_valid_distances
 m_distances validity flag
unsigned int * m_node_degree
 a cache of node degrees for every node
bool m_valid_node_degree
 a validity flag for m_node_degree

Detailed Description

A class representing the topology of a network layer.

This class stores a topology of nodes and directional links which describe a network layer.
A number of methods provide functionality which is closely related - including shortest path routing.
Other functionality, which in theory should be handled outside of this class, like geography and traffic load has been included to maximise performance. Traffic load calculations and geography are however optional.
Speed of execution is considered more important in the design of this class than memory footprint, therefore lazy calculation and local caching of data is extensively.
Topological distances, a sparse adjacency matrix, details about links, such as load and number of routes are cached and calculated only when necessary.

To prevent memory bloat some functionality is by default disabled and has to be enabled before use:
initRPN() should be called to allow the later look-up of Routes-Per-Node through getRPN()
initRPL() should be called to allow the later look-up of Routes-Per-Link through getRPL()
initLPN() should be called to allow the later look-up of Load-Per-Node through getLPN()
initLPL() should be called to allow the later look-up of Load-Per-Link through getLPL()

To test for which capabilities (including geography and traffix load) are present call hasCapability( CjNLTopology::layercapab_t c )

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::pair< unsigned int, WT > jmitie::CjNLTopology::adjwl_pair_t

Adjacency weight information type.

The pair stores next hop node number and the weight of the link in that direction.

typedef std::pair< unsigned int, LD > jmitie::CjNLTopology::lpl_pair_t

Adjacency link load information type.

The pair stores next hop node number and the load of the link in that direction.

typedef std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > jmitie::CjNLTopology::rpl_pair_t

Adjacency link routes information type.

The pair stores next hop node number and the number of routes in that direction.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum jmitie::CjNLTopology::apsp_t [protected]

The routing algorithm options.


Signifies that a matrix-multiplication based APSP algorithm is to be used - similar to Floyd-Warshall but hacked up a little [TODO]


Signifies that a depth-first search of lowest cost routes is to be performed.


Signifies that a depth-first search of lowest cost routes is to be performed; this algorithm also uses a local cache (hence LC) of the adjacency matrix to maximise cache hits - a ~25% performance improvement on some CPUs


The last enum value - used internally - please ignore.

A bit-mask for the capabilities of this CjNLTopology instance.


Signifies that no capabilities are present.


If set then this CjNLTopology is capable of returning information about topological distances. next hops and so on.


If set then this CjNLTopology is capable of returning information about geography - specifically normalised inter-node distances through getGeoDistance() and getGeoMatrix().


If set then this CjNLTopology is capable of returning information about the number of routes traversing a given link.


If set then this CjNLTopology is capable of returning information about the number of routes at a given node.


If set then this CjNLTopology is capable of returning information about the traffic load on a link.


If set then this CjNLTopology is capable of returning information about the traffic load on a node.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

jmitie::CjNLTopology::CjNLTopology ( const std::string  name,
unsigned int  maxNodes,
const CjMatrix< WT > &  weightMatrix,
const CjMatrix< LD > *  trafficMatrix = 0,
const CjMatrix< double > *  geo = 0 

Creates a new topology.

This constructor is optionally provided with a traffix matrix (trafficMatrix) and euclidean geography (geo) - users of this object can test for their presence through hasCapability() and getCapability() The topology size after initialisation is the smaller of maxNodes and the height/width of weightMatrix

name An arbitrary name assigned to this CjNLTopology.
maxNodes The maximum number of nodes that this CjNLTopology can support.
weightMatrix The initial weights matrix. This must be square.
trafficMatrix The optional traffix matrix. This must be square. Ownership is not assumed.
weightMatrix The initial weights matrix. This must be square. Ownership is not assumed.
geo This matrix holds the geographic/euclidean distances between all node pairs. This must be square. Ownership is not assumed.
E_CjNLT_MemoryAllocFail when memory cannot be allocated for internal data structures
E_CjNLT_SizeError in case the size parameters supplied are invalid (i.e. maxNodes is 0, or weightsMatrix is not square)

Member Function Documentation

unsigned int jmitie::CjNLTopology::addDisconnectedNode (  ) 

Adds a single node to the network which is not connected to any existing node.

The number returned is the node number to use when connecting to the network with setWeight()

E_CjNLT_SizeError if the network is already maxNodes in size
unsigned int jmitie::CjNLTopology::addNodeAndConnect ( const unsigned int  other,
const WT  to_other,
const WT  from_other 

Adds a single node to the network and connects it to a given existing node.

The number returned is the node number of the node that was just added.

E_CjNLT_SizeError if the network is already maxNodes in size
E_CjNLT_BoundsError if an attempt is made to connect to a non-existing node
void jmitie::CjNLTopology::bulkSetWeight ( std::vector< link_t > &  pairs,
bool  bidir = false 

Sets a group of link weights in one operation.

All or none (on error) of the link weights will be set to the specified values. This method should be used with caution as it does not check for bridge removal i.e. network paritioning. This method is not re-entrant safe.

pairs a vector of link_t objects which specify the node of the link endpoints and the weight to set them
bidir if false then only linkt::wt_ab is read and applied to the network, otherwise linkt::wt_ab and linkt::wt_ba will be applied
E_CjMatrix_BoundsError if any of the link_t::node_a or link_t::node_b values not less than numNodes
bool jmitie::CjNLTopology::checkAdjL_integrity (  )  const

FOR TESTING USE ONLY - verifies the internal sparse adjacency matrix matches the weights matrix.

returns true when they match

bool jmitie::CjNLTopology::checkDegD_integrity (  )  const

FOR TESTING USE ONLY - verifies that the internal list of node degrees matches the weights matrix.

returns true when they match

double jmitie::CjNLTopology::fractionConnectedNodePairs ( bool  incSelfLoops = false  )  const [inline]

Returns the fraction of node pairs that are linked compared to a full mesh.

incSelfLoops if true then links beginning and ending at the same node are also included
tribool jmitie::CjNLTopology::getBridgeState ( const unsigned int  from,
const unsigned int  to 
) const

Returns the bridge state from the bridge state cache, but will not test for partitioning by removal of link.

Returns true if the links removal parition would the network, false if it wouldn't and boost::tribool::indeterminate if the answer is unknown. To update the bridge state cache use isBridgeLink()

from The start node of the link
to The end node of the link
E_CjMatrix_BoundsError if argument node is equal to, or greater than, m_numNodes.
unsigned int jmitie::CjNLTopology::getDegree ( const unsigned int  node  )  const [inline]

Returns the outdegree of the specified node.

node The node for which to return the outdegree. You think!?
E_CjMatrix_BoundsError if argument node is equal to, or greater than, m_numNodes.
CjNLTopology::WT jmitie::CjNLTopology::getDistance ( unsigned int  from,
unsigned int  to 
) const

Returns the minimum weight of a path between two nodes in the topology.

APSP is performed and the sum of the link weights on the shortest path is returned

from the start node
to the destination node
E_CjMatrix_BoundsError if argument nodes is equal to, or greater than, m_numNodes.
E_CjNLT_RoutingError when there is no path between the two nodes
double jmitie::CjNLTopology::getGeoDistance ( unsigned int  a,
unsigned int  b 
) const [inline]

Returns the normalised geographic distance between two nodes.

Returns the normalised geographic distance between nodes a and b.

const CjMatrix<double>* jmitie::CjNLTopology::getGeoMatrix (  )  const [inline]

Returns the geographic distance matrix associated with this topology.

This was specified in the constructor. Individual elements are available through getGeoDistance()

CjNLTopology::LD jmitie::CjNLTopology::getLPL ( unsigned int  from,
unsigned int  to 
) const

Returns the total traffic load (i.e. the sum of all demands in traffic matrix routed over this link) traversing the link from node "from" to node "to".

If initLPL() hasn't been first called then it will be called - and could throw anything that it could, otherwise, this won't throw. from and to are not bounds checked.

CjNLTopology::LD jmitie::CjNLTopology::getLPN ( unsigned int  node  )  const

Returns the total traffic load (i.e. the sum of all demands in traffic matrix routed so they source, or terminate, or traverse this node) on node "node".

If initLPN() hasn't been first called then it will be called - and could throw anything that it could, otherwise, this won't throw. node is not bounds checked.

const std::vector< CjNLTopology::adjwl_pair_t > * jmitie::CjNLTopology::getNeighbours ( const unsigned int  node  )  const

Returns the outward links from a node.

A vector of adjwl_pair_t objects is returned - this struct contains the outbound neighbour and the link weight. Beware: The pointer returned is only valid until any operation that may update the adjacency list is called. This method should only be used to scan neighbours for some property, or a copy of the returned pointed-to-vector should be made before making change to the topology.

node The node for which to return the neighbours.
E_CjMatrix_BoundsError if argument node is equal to, or greater than, m_numNodes.
unsigned int jmitie::CjNLTopology::getRPL ( unsigned int  from,
unsigned int  to 
) const

Returns the number of routes (i.e. a full mesh of routes) traversing the link from node "from" to node "to".

If initRPL() hasn't been first called then it will be called - and could throw anything that it could, otherwise, this won't throw. from and to are not bounds checked.

unsigned int jmitie::CjNLTopology::getRPN ( unsigned int  node  )  const

Returns the total number of routes traversing, ingressing, or egressing node "node".

If initRPN() hasn't been first called then it will be called - and could throw anything that it could, otherwise, this won't throw. node is not bounds checked.

const CjMatrix<LD>* jmitie::CjNLTopology::getTrafficMatrix (  )  const [inline]

Returns the traffic matrix used in LPN, LPL calculations.

This was specified in the constructor

CjNLTopology::WT jmitie::CjNLTopology::getWeight ( const unsigned int  node_a,
const unsigned int  node_b 
) const [inline]

Returns the weight of a single directional link in the topology.

Returns the weight of a single directional link in the topology - use operator() for non-throwing (also non-bounds-checking version). A return value of 0 means the specified nodes are not connected.

node_a the start node of the directional link.
node_b the end node of the directional link.
E_CjMatrix_BoundsError if either node_a or node_b are equal to, or greater than, m_numNodes.
bool jmitie::CjNLTopology::hasCapability ( CjNLTopology::layercapab_t  c  )  const [inline]

Checks whether all capabilities requested are available.

Checks whether all capabilities set in c are available.
c can either be any value of CjNLTopology::layercapab_t or an bitwise-ORed mask of values, e.g. hasCapability( GEO | RPL ) will return true if geography and routes-per-link are available.

void jmitie::CjNLTopology::initLPL (  )  const

Initialise the LPL (Load-Per-Link) functionality.

std::logic_error If no traffic matrix was specified in the constructor.
E_CjNLT_MemoryAllocFail If LPL memory couldn't be allocated.
void jmitie::CjNLTopology::initLPN (  )  const

Initialise the LPN (Load-Per-Node) functionality.

std::logic_error If no traffic matrix was specified in the constructor.
E_CjNLT_MemoryAllocFail If LPN memory couldn't be allocated.
void jmitie::CjNLTopology::initRPL (  )  const

Initialise the RPL (Routes-Per-Link) functionality.

E_CjNLT_MemoryAllocFail If RPL memory couldn't be allocated.
void jmitie::CjNLTopology::initRPN (  )  const

Initialise the RPN (Routes-Per-Node) functionality.

E_CjNLT_MemoryAllocFail If RPN memory couldn't be allocated.
bool jmitie::CjNLTopology::isBridgeLink ( const unsigned int  from,
const unsigned int  to 
) const

Returns the bridge state of the specified link.

Returns true if the links removal parition would the network, false otherwise. This is a potentially expensive operation since a single-source (TODO) walk is required across the network if the answer is not cached, but it is the only way to know for sure. In comparison getBridgeState() only returns the state stored in the cache (so answer could be tribool::indeterminate - without performing the test)

from The start node of the link
to The end node of the link
E_CjMatrix_BoundsError if argument node is equal to, or greater than, m_numNodes.
E_CjNLT_RoutingError if one of the links reach a node that doesn't exist yet (according to numNodes) or if there is an internal error with routing and link weights
bool jmitie::CjNLTopology::isFullyConnected ( bool  testDirectionally = false,
unsigned int  skip_a = 0,
unsigned int  skip_b = 0 
) const

Checks whether the topology is partitioned or not.

Performs a walk of the topology to see if all nodes can be reached.
If testDirectionally is false then the walk will only be performed from one source node, otherwise it will be done from all m_numNodes nodes.
A link can be optionally specified which will be assumed not to exist during the walk - this is useful for checking whether it is a bridge link.

testDirectionally If true the testing will assume the links are directional.
skip_a the start node of a link to omit when performing the walk.
skip_b the end node of a link to omit when performing the walk.
E_CjMatrix_BoundsError if either row or col are equal to, or greater than, m_numNodes.

if(numVisited==m_numNodes) return true; else return false; // a node won't be visited more than once, so the number visited are the number seen.

bool jmitie::CjNLTopology::isSymmetric (  )  [inline]

Tests whether the topology matrix is symmetric.

i.e. the wt(a,b) == wt(b,a) for all a and b such that 0 <= a < m_maxNodes, 0 <= b < m_maxNodes

bool jmitie::CjNLTopology::mk_distances (  )  const [protected]

rebuilds m_distances from m_wt if it is not valid

If m_distances is not valid this will call APSP

bool jmitie::CjNLTopology::mk_lrpn_lrpl (  )  const [protected]

rebuilds any of m_rpl, m_lpl, m_rpl m_lpl if necessary

return true is a rebuild was necessary, false otherwise

unsigned int jmitie::CjNLTopology::newNodeNumber (  )  const throw ()

Returns the number of the node that would be returned with the next invocation of addDisconnectedNode(), but doesn't create or add the node.

This operation exists to give a "peek" as to the new node number so a link dimensioner could be called in preparation for a call to addNodeAndConnect()

unsigned int jmitie::CjNLTopology::nextHop ( const unsigned int  where,
const unsigned int  destination 
) const

Returns the next hop along the least weight path through the topology.

In the case of there being more than one path which has equally low a costs the route is decided based on the tie-breaker values randomly generated for each node at initialisation (and reset by ()).

where The node from which to find the next hop.
destination The destination which is to be reached.
E_CjMatrix_BoundsError if argument node is equal to, or greater than, m_numNodes.
E_CjNLT_RoutingError if where == destination
CjNLTopology::WT jmitie::CjNLTopology::operator() ( unsigned int  node_a,
unsigned int  node_b 
) [inline]

Returns the weight of a single directional link in the topology.

Returns the weight of a single directional link in the topology, and doesn't perform bounds checking like getWeight().

node_a the start node of the directional link.
node_b the end node of the directional link.
CjNLTopology::WT jmitie::CjNLTopology::operator() ( unsigned int  node_a,
unsigned int  node_b,
CjNLTopology::WT  new_weight 
) [inline]

Sets the weight of a single directional link in the topology.

Sets the weight of a single directional link in the topology and returns the previous link weight.
Use setWeight() for a bounds checking version.
A return value of 0 means the specified nodes were not connected before the update.

node_a the start node of the directional link.
node_b the end node of the directional link.
new_weight The weight to assign the directional link.
std::pair< CjNLTopology::WT, CjNLTopology::WT > jmitie::CjNLTopology::setBiDirWeights ( const unsigned int  node_a,
const unsigned int  node_b,
const WT  ab,
const WT  ba 
) [inline]

Sets the weights of both directions of a link in the topology.

Sets the weight of both directions a link in the topology and returns the previous link weight.
The returned value is a pair<> - the first field is the old weight of the directional link from node_a to node_b, and the second field is the previous weight of directional link from node_b to node_a.

node_a the start node of the directional link.
node_b the end node of the directional link.
ab the link weight from node_a to node_b
ba the link weight from node_a to node_b
E_CjMatrix_BoundsError if either node_a or node_b are equal to, or greater than, m_numNodes.
CjNLTopology::WT jmitie::CjNLTopology::setWeight ( const unsigned int  node_a,
const unsigned int  node_b,
const WT  new_weight 
) [inline]

Sets the weight of a single directional link in the topology.

Sets the weight of a single directional link in the topology and returns the previous link weight.
use CjNLTopology::operator() for a non-throwing, non-bounds-checking version.

node_a the start node of the directional link.
node_b the end node of the directional link.
new_weight the link weight from node_a to node_b
E_CjMatrix_BoundsError if either node_a or node_b are equal to, or greater than, m_numNodes.

Member Data Documentation

std::vector<adjwl_pair_t>* jmitie::CjNLTopology::m_adj_wtlist [mutable, protected]

The adjacency weights list.

An array (m_maxNodes in size) of vectors, one for each node. Each vector stores a list of adjwl_pair_t objects describing the node that the node is connected to and the link weight.

tribool jmitie::CjNLTopology::m_bridge_vals[MAX_BRIDGE_VALS] [mutable, protected]

Array holding values for the indirect addressing in m_isBridge.

[0] is always boost::logic::indeterminate, the remainder are either true or false or indeterminate depending on how they were created or invalidated. see m_isBridge for details

CjMatrix<tribool *>* jmitie::CjNLTopology::m_isBridge [mutable, protected]

A matrix which stores whether the link is a bridge.

(*m_isBridge)(i,j) stores a pointer to the bridge state of the directional link connecting nodes i and j.
Calculating the bridge status of all links would require the APSP algorithm to run m_numLinks times so instead links are tested only when required, therefore m_isBridge stores whether a link is a bridge, i.e. one whose removal would partition the network, or whether it isn't, or whether it is as yet unknown.
The pointer stored points into m_bridge_vals which ultimately decides on the state. The boost::logic::tribool value pointed to can either true, false or indeterminate.
m_isBridge should be accessed via:
getBridgeState(i,j) to check whether link i,j is a bridge, is not a bridge, or whether it is unknown whether it is a bridge.
isBridgeLink(i,j) which will actually perform the test, update m_isBridge and return a definitive answer (either true or false, never indeterminate).

If a link is known to be a bridge then its state is no longer valid as soon as a new link is added.
Similarly if a link is known not to be a bridge then this state is invalidated as soon as a link is removed elsewhere in the network (since the removed link could have been the alternative path).
Instead of searching for all true, or all false values and re-testing them, which is very slow m_isBridge stores copies of the pointers stored at the time in m_ptr_true, m_ptr_false, or m_ptr_ind.
These pointers point into m_bridge_vals which actually store the value.
So, when a new link is added and we want to rewrite all true values (see invalidateBridges() ), instead of searching and rewriting m_isBridge, we overwrite the entry in m_bridge_vals pointed to by m_ptr_true with boost::logic::indeterminate value and create a new entry with boost::logic::true at the end of m_bridge_vals and update m_ptr_true to point to it.
The old pointer value of m_ptr_true which remains in m_isBridge now points to a value of boost::logic::indeterminate and we have updated all the values in a single step.
Similarly all false values can be all made indeterminate when a link is removed by calling invalidateNonBridges().
When m_ptr_true or m_ptr_false reaches the end of m_bridge_vals then compact_bridge_vals() is called to rewrite m_isBridge with new values - but this is done much much less often then would usually have to be done is m_isBridge stored values rather than pointers.
Methods invalidateBridges() and invalidateNonBridges() are called automatically by updateCell(), which should be the user's interface to these methods.

CjMatrix<LD>* jmitie::CjNLTopology::m_lpl [mutable, protected]

The load per link matrix.

A matrix where (*m_lpl)(i,j) is the total load (sum of traffic demands) routed over the link between nodes i and j

LD* jmitie::CjNLTopology::m_lpn [mutable, protected]

The load per node array.

An array m_maxNodes in length where m_lpn[i] is the sum of traffic load traversing, ingressing or egressing node i.

tribool* jmitie::CjNLTopology::m_ptr_false [mutable, protected]

A pointer into m_bridge_vals which points to the current element in m_bridge_vals which is false - see m_isBridge.

see m_isBridge for details

tribool* jmitie::CjNLTopology::m_ptr_ind [mutable, protected]

A pointer into m_bridge_vals which points to the current element in m_bridge_vals which is indeterminate.

see m_isBridge for details

tribool* jmitie::CjNLTopology::m_ptr_true [mutable, protected]

A pointer into m_bridge_vals which points to the current element in m_bridge_vals which is true.

see m_isBridge for details

CjMatrix<unsigned int>* jmitie::CjNLTopology::m_rpl [mutable, protected]

The routes per link matrix.

A matrix where (*m_rpl)(i,j) is the number of routes traversing the link between nodes i and j

unsigned int* jmitie::CjNLTopology::m_rpn [mutable, protected]

The routes per node array.

An array m_maxNodes in length where m_rpn[i] is the number of routes traversing, ingressing or egressing node i.

bool jmitie::CjNLTopology::m_valid_adj_wtlist [mutable, protected]

Validity flag for m_adj_wtlist.

If true then m_adj_wtlist is valid and accurately reflects a sparse representation of m_wt. If false then m_adj_wtlist will be re-generated from m_wt on the next call to mk_adjL()

bool jmitie::CjNLTopology::m_valid_isBridge [mutable, protected]

m_isBridge validity flag

if false then m_isBridge will be initialised to all boost::logic::indeterminate values and incrementally recreated by calls to isBridgeLink()

bool jmitie::CjNLTopology::m_valid_rpl [mutable, protected]

Validity flag for m_rpl.

If true then m_rpl is valid and accurately reflects a routes following the shortest paths between all node pairs. If false then m_rpl will be re-generated from m_distances on the next call to mk_adjL()

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