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jmitie Namespace Reference

The jmitie namespace that contains all classes related to MITIE. More...


namespace  corelib

The namespace which contains all the core network processes, link and node selectors and link dimensioners.


class  Cj_OptionParseFail
struct  CjLinkSelector_ctor_va_t
 A struct encapsulating the required arguments to the constructor of a CjLinkSelector. More...
struct  CjLinkSelector_select_va_t
 A struct encapsulating the required arguments to the selectLink(...) method of a sub-class of CjLinkSelector. More...
struct  wheelVal_t
 A general purpose struct to store values for roulette wheel selection. More...
class  CjLinkSelector
 The base class for all link selectors. More...
struct  CjNetworkDimensioner_ctor_va_t
 A struct encapsulating the required arguments to the constructor of a CjNetworkDimensioner. More...
struct  CjNetworkDimensioner_calcw_va_t
 A struct encapsulating the required arguments to the calcWeight(...) method of a sub-class of CjNetworkDimensioner. More...
class  CjNetworkDimensioner
 The base class for all link dimensionsers and re-dimensioners. More...
struct  CjNetworkProcess_ctor_va_t
 A struct encapsulating the required arguments to the constructor of a CjNetworkProcess. More...
struct  CjNetworkProcess_act_va_t
 A struct encapsulating the required arguments to the performAction(...) method of a sub-class of CjNetworkProcess. More...
class  CjNetworkProcess
 The base class for all network processes. More...
class  CjNetworkProcessException
class  CjNP_MemoryAllocFail
class  CjNP_selectionFail
class  CjNP_parseFail
class  CjNLTopology
 A class representing the topology of a network layer. More...
class  RandomSource
 A functor, created for use in std::shuffle that maps an RNG to a requested range. More...
struct  Scoped_autosync_disable
 DEPRECATED : An object to disable and automatically re-enable autosync within a block of code. More...
struct  E_CjNLT_Exception
 just an interface to label exceptions that come from CjNLT operations More...
class  E_CjNLT_MemoryAllocFail
class  E_CjNLT_SizeError
class  E_CjNLT_BoundsError
class  E_CjNLT_TopologyError
class  E_CjNLT_RoutingError
class  E_CjNLT_InternalError
struct  CjNodeSelector_ctor_va_t
 A struct encapsulating the required arguments to the constructor of a CjNodeSelector. More...
struct  CjNodeSelector_select_va_t
 A struct encapsulating the required arguments to the selectNode(...) method of a sub-class of CjNodeSelector. More...
class  CjNodeSelector
 The base class for all node selectors. More...
class  CjNP_collection
class  Cj_NotFoundInFactoryException
 Thrown when a requested name is not found in the factory. More...
class  Cj_NameCollisionException
 Thrown when one of the class names in the sub-factory being loaded is already registered in the factory. More...
class  Cj_SymbolMissingException
 Thrown when the symbol (function name) is missing from the DLL being loaded. More...
class  Cj_DLLException
 Thrown when some DLL loading error occurs; e.g. corrupt file. More...
class  Cj_FileSystemException
 Thrown when a file system error occurs; e.g. specified search path is a file, not a directory, or DLL file cannot be read. More...
class  CjVisitorFactoryEntry
 Represents a sub-factory entry in CjVisitorFactory.
An instance of this class contains the function pointers to the factory methods used when creating, destroying and getting information about objects in the sub-factory. CjVisitorFactoryEntry can be initialised with pointers to the factory methods (for static linking), or a filename to a DLL which is to be loaded. More...
class  CjVisitorFactory
 Represents an object factory.
. More...
class  CjNP_LoggableBase


typedef std::pair< std::string,
std::string > 
typedef void * DLLHandle_t


enum  throwFlags_t { DONT_THROW = 0L, THROW_ON_MISSING = 1L, THROW_ON_DUPE = (1L << 1), THROW_ON_BADVAL = (1L << 2) }


std::list< optval_t > parseOptions (std::string optionString, bool allowDupes=false, bool requireCurlies=true)
 std::string trim(const std::string & s, const std::string & ws = " \r\t\n" );
template<typename Iter >
std::list< std::string > judeanPopularPeoplesFront (const Iter &first, const Iter &last, const std::string drop_delims, const std::string keep_delims)
throwFlags_t operator| (throwFlags_t a, throwFlags_t b)
throwFlags_t operator& (throwFlags_t a, throwFlags_t b)
throwFlags_toperator|= (throwFlags_t &a, throwFlags_t b)
throwFlags_toperator&= (throwFlags_t &a, throwFlags_t b)
template<typename FactoryType , typename ContainerType >
bool extractFactoryTypeOption (ContainerType &cont, const FactoryType &factory, typename FactoryType::Visitor_shared_ptr &result, const throwFlags_t flags, const typename FactoryType::VisitorArgumentType &va)
 Searches for, and builds an instance based on, the first instance of an element from a factory.
template<typename POD , typename ContainerType >
bool extractPODValueOption (const std::string optionName, ContainerType &cont, POD &result, const POD *const min_val=0, const POD *const max_val=0, const throwFlags_t flags=(THROW_ON_DUPE|THROW_ON_BADVAL))
 Searches for an option with the specified name and returns the value field as a plain-old-data-type.
template<typename ContainerType >
bool extractStringOption (const std::string optionName, ContainerType &cont, std::string &result, const throwFlags_t flags=(THROW_ON_DUPE|THROW_ON_BADVAL))
 Searches for an option with the specified name and returns the value field as a string type.
template<typename ContainerType >
bool extractValuelessOption (const std::string optionName, ContainerType &cont, const throwFlags_t flags=(THROW_ON_DUPE|THROW_ON_BADVAL))
template<typename ContainerType , typename RESULT_TYPE >
bool extractValuelessMultiOption (const std::map< std::string, RESULT_TYPE > &options, ContainerType &cont, RESULT_TYPE &result, const throwFlags_t flags=(THROW_ON_DUPE|THROW_ON_BADVAL))
template<typename ContainerType >
std::string listOptionNames (const ContainerType &cont)
template<typename fwdIter >
fwdIter extractUInt (const fwdIter &begin, const fwdIter &end, unsigned int &j)
CjNLTopology::layercapab_t operator| (CjNLTopology::layercapab_t a, CjNLTopology::layercapab_t b)
CjNLTopology::layercapab_t operator& (CjNLTopology::layercapab_t a, CjNLTopology::layercapab_t b)
CjNLTopology::layercapab_toperator|= (CjNLTopology::layercapab_t &a, CjNLTopology::layercapab_t b)
CjNLTopology::layercapab_toperator&= (CjNLTopology::layercapab_t &a, CjNLTopology::layercapab_t b)
std::map< unsigned int,
unsigned int > 
returnDegreeDist (const CjNLTopology &top)
 Returns a map of out-degree to out-degree frequency.
std::map< CjNLTopology::WT,
unsigned int > 
returnDistancesDist (const CjNLTopology &top)
 Returns a map of node pair distance (minimum weight path) to distance frequency.
std::map< CjNLTopology::WT,
unsigned int > 
returnWeightDist (const CjNLTopology &top)
 Returns a map of link weights to link weight frequency.
std::string returnDistancesDump (const CjNLTopology &top, const unsigned int cellWidth, const std::string &rowPrefix, bool blankDiagonal=false)
 Returns a string of the distances matrix.
std::string returnAdjLDump (const CjNLTopology &top, const unsigned int cellWidth, const std::string &rowPrefix)
 Returns the adjacency matrix as a string.
std::string returnWeightsDump (const CjNLTopology &top, const unsigned int cellWidth, const std::string &rowPrefix, bool blankDiagonal=false)
 Returns a string of the full link weights matrix.

Detailed Description

The jmitie namespace that contains all classes related to MITIE.

Enumeration Type Documentation

The conditions under which the option parsing function will throw - see extract*Option functions


No exceptions are to be thrown on bad options


Throw a jmitie::Cj_OptionParseFail if the option is missing


Throw a jmitie::Cj_OptionParseFail if the option is appears more than once


Throw a jmitie::Cj_OptionParseFail if the option has a bad value

Function Documentation

template<typename FactoryType , typename ContainerType >
bool jmitie::extractFactoryTypeOption ( ContainerType &  cont,
const FactoryType &  factory,
typename FactoryType::Visitor_shared_ptr &  result,
const throwFlags_t  flags,
const typename FactoryType::VisitorArgumentType &  va 
) [inline]

Searches for, and builds an instance based on, the first instance of an element from a factory.

This function will take each pair in cont, in turn, and attempt to create an instance in the factory of the option name - va and the second element in the pair are passed to the factory. If successful the instance will be returned in result and no further invocations will be attempted. The value of result will not be overwritten - if it is not null then the function will return false post-condition: on successful parsing the option is removed from cont

cont a container of string pairs (the first entry is the option name, the second is the value) which are the options to examine - the container must support the forward iterator and the erase method
factory the factory to use when attempting to create an instance
result the shared pointer where to store the newly created object from the factory
flags the conditions under which to throw an exception - see jmitie::throwFlags_t - only THROW_ON_MISSING is considered in this function
va the arguments to pass the factory when creating the object
Cj_OptionParseFail if there are any problems parsing the value field or searching for the option name - see flags
true when successfully parsed, false when not (either not found, bad value etc..) and no value for flags specifies that something should be thrown.
template<typename POD , typename ContainerType >
bool jmitie::extractPODValueOption ( const std::string  optionName,
ContainerType &  cont,
POD &  result,
const POD *const   min_val = 0,
const POD *const   max_val = 0,
const throwFlags_t  flags = (THROW_ON_DUPE | THROW_ON_BADVAL) 
) [inline]

Searches for an option with the specified name and returns the value field as a plain-old-data-type.

This function will search for an option with the given name and parse the value to a POD value - bounds checking can be optionally performed, as well as duplicate and missing field checking. post-condition: on successful parsing the option is removed from cont

optionName The name of the option to be searched for
cont a container of string pairs (the first entry is the option name, the second is the value) which are to be searched for the option name - the container must support the forward iterator and the erase method
result the shared pointer where to store the newly created object from the factory
min_val if not null this points to the minimum value that the parsed option value must be otherwise an exception will be thrown if flags includes THROW_ON_BADVAL, returns false if not.
max_val if not null this points to the maximum value that the parsed option value must be otherwise an exception will be thrown if flags includes THROW_ON_BADVAL, returns false if not.
flags the conditions under which to throw an exception - see jmitie::throwFlags_t - THROW_ON_MISSING THROW_ON_DUPE and THROW_ON_BADVAL are supported here
boost::bad_lexical_cast if the value field cannot be parsed to the given POD
Cj_OptionParseFail if there are any problems parsing the value field or searching for the option name - see flags
true when successfully parsed, false when not (either not found, bad value, no value etc..) and no value for flags specifies that something should be thrown.
template<typename ContainerType >
bool jmitie::extractStringOption ( const std::string  optionName,
ContainerType &  cont,
std::string &  result,
const throwFlags_t  flags = (THROW_ON_DUPE | THROW_ON_BADVAL) 
) [inline]

Searches for an option with the specified name and returns the value field as a string type.

This function will search for an option with the given name and return the string value it is associated with. Duplicate and missing field checking can be performed optionally. post-condition: on successful parsing the option is removed from cont

optionName The name of the option to be searched for
cont a container of string pairs (the first entry is the option name, the second is the value) which are to be searched for the option name - the container must support the forward iterator and the erase method
result the shared pointer where to store the newly created object from the factory
flags the conditions under which to throw an exception - see jmitie::throwFlags_t - THROW_ON_MISSING THROW_ON_DUPE and THROW_ON_BADVAL are supported here
boost::bad_lexical_cast if the value field cannot be parsed to the given POD
Cj_OptionParseFail if there are any problems parsing the value field or searching for the option name - see flags
true when successfully parsed, false when not (either not found, bad value, no value etc..) and no value for flags specifies that something should be thrown.
std::string jmitie::returnAdjLDump ( const CjNLTopology &  top,
const unsigned int  cellWidth,
const std::string &  rowPrefix 

Returns the adjacency matrix as a string.

top the topology of whose adjacency list to print
cellWidth the maximum number of characters per cell in the matrix - if this is 0 then a tab is inserted before the value
rowPrefix a string to print before each line in the output
std::map< unsigned int, unsigned int > jmitie::returnDegreeDist ( const CjNLTopology &  top  ) 

Returns a map of out-degree to out-degree frequency.

Returns a map of degree to degree frequency.

result[deg] = freq(deg) where deg is a node out-degree if deg is not found then the out-degree is 0

std::map< CjNLTopology::WT, unsigned int > jmitie::returnDistancesDist ( const CjNLTopology &  top  ) 

Returns a map of node pair distance (minimum weight path) to distance frequency.

result[dist] = freq(dist) where dist is the sum of weights long the least-weight path between a node pair

std::string jmitie::returnDistancesDump ( const CjNLTopology &  top,
const unsigned int  cellWidth,
const std::string &  rowPrefix,
bool  blankDiagonal = false 

Returns a string of the distances matrix.

top the topology of whose distances to print
cellWidth the maximum number of characters per cell in the matrix - if this is 0 then a tab is inserted before the value
rowPrefix a string to print before each line in the output
blankDiagonal if true the values of the diagonal will be output as zero
std::map< CjNLTopology::WT, unsigned int > jmitie::returnWeightDist ( const CjNLTopology &  top  ) 

Returns a map of link weights to link weight frequency.

result[wt] = freq(wt) where wt is the weight of a directional link

std::string jmitie::returnWeightsDump ( const CjNLTopology &  top,
const unsigned int  cellWidth,
const std::string &  rowPrefix,
bool  blankDiagonal = false 

Returns a string of the full link weights matrix.

top the topology of whose weights to print
cellWidth the maximum number of characters per cell in the matrix - if this is 0 then a tab is inserted before the value
rowPrefix a string to print before each line in the output
blankDiagonal if true the values of the diagonal will be output as zero
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